Welcome to Thefittest’s documentation!

is an open-source library designed for the efficient application of classical evolutionary algorithms and their effective modifications in optimization and machine learning. Our project aims to provide performance, accessibility, and ease of use, opening up the world of advanced evolutionary methods to you.
Features of thefittest
- Performance
Our library is developed using advanced coding practices and delivers high performance through integration with NumPy, Scipy, Numba, and scikit-learn.
- Versatility
offers a wide range of classical evolutionary algorithms and effective modifications, making it the ideal choice for a variety of optimization and machine learning tasks.- Integration with scikit-learn
Easily integrate machine learning methods from
with scikit-learn tools, creating comprehensive and versatile solutions for evolutionary optimization and model training tasks.
pip install thefittest
contains methods
Genetic algorithm (Holland, J. H. (1992). Genetic algorithms. Scientific American, 267(1), 66-72):
Self-configuring genetic algorithm (Semenkin, E.S., Semenkina, M.E. Self-configuring Genetic Algorithm with Modified Uniform Crossover Operator. LNCS, 7331, 2012, pp. 414-421.);
Differential evolution (Storn, Rainer & Price, Kenneth. (1995). Differential Evolution: A Simple and Efficient Adaptive Scheme for Global Optimization Over Continuous Spaces. Journal of Global Optimization. 23)
Genetic programming (Koza, John R.. “Genetic programming - on the programming of computers by means of natural selection.” Complex Adaptive Systems (1993)):
Self-configuring genetic programming (Semenkin, Eugene & Semenkina, Maria. (2012). Self-configuring genetic programming algorithm with modified uniform crossover. 1-6.).
Genetic programming of neural networks (GPNN) (`Lipinsky L., Semenkin E., Bulletin of the Siberian State Aerospace University., 3(10), 22-26 (2006). In Russian`_);
Multilayer perceptron trained by evolutionary algorithms (Cotta, Carlos & Alba, Enrique & Sagarna, R. & Larranaga, Pedro. (2002). Adjusting Weights in Artificial Neural Networks using Evolutionary Algorithms.);
Symbolicregression17. 17 test regression problem from the paper (Semenkin, Eugene & Semenkina, Maria. (2012). Self-configuring genetic programming algorithm with modified uniform crossover. 1-6.).
Iris (Fisher,R. A.. (1988). Iris. UCI Machine Learning Repository.);
Wine (Aeberhard,Stefan and Forina,M.. (1991). Wine. UCI Machine Learning Repository.);
Breast Cancer Wisconsin (Diagnostic) (Wolberg,William, Mangasarian,Olvi, Street,Nick, and Street,W.. (1995). Breast Cancer Wisconsin (Diagnostic). UCI Machine Learning Repository.);
Optical Recognition of Handwritten Digits (Alpaydin,E. and Kaynak,C.. (1998). Optical Recognition of Handwritten Digits. UCI Machine Learning Repository.);
Notebooks on how to use thefittest
Solving Binary and Real-Valued Optimization Problems with Genetic Algorithms;
Solving Real-Valued Optimization Problems with Differential Evolution;
Solving Symbolic Regression Problems Using Genetic Programming Algorithms;
Training Neural Networks Using Evolutionary Algorithms for Regression and Classification Problems;
Optimizing Neural Network Structure Using Genetic Programming;
If some notebooks are too big to display, you can use NBviewer.